Monthly Archives: July 2012

Another trip through Yoho

This week I went back to Yoho National Park with a friend to spend a couple of days camping and taking photos. I find this park is often overshadowed by Banff and Jasper, but there are a ton of amazing places in Yoho. The geography of the park, being right on the west side of the Continental Divide, surrounded by glaciers, rivers, surreal looking lakes and towering peaks makes it one of my favourite places to visit. While I was hoping I might get my first really great grizzly photo, I was pleased to come across a couple mountain goats high up along some cliffs. The first one was a solo goat, looking down over the highway. He seemed content just looking at the cars drive past, and I was able to get some decent shots of him. The second sighting was along the same rock wall that Takakkaw Falls drops over. After the sun had gone down, we found this mother and baby, a couple hundred of feet from the valley bottom, scaling this giant wall of rock that looked like it would have been impossible for a human to keep their footing. The light wasn’t ideal, but seeing this baby running up and down the cliffs with it’s mother was something I had never seen before.

Yoho National Park, BC – Wednesday, July 11, 1012 – A mountain goat assesses its next move. (Matthew Timmins)

Yoho National Park, BC – Wednesday, July 11, 2012 – The same mountain goat takes a quick look at me before heading on his way. (Matthew Timmins)

Yoho National Park, BC – Thursday, July 12, 2012 – A young mountain goat follows in it’s mother’s footsteps as it scales a cliff late at night. (Matthew Timmins)

Yoho National Park, BC – Wednesday, July 12, 2012 – Takakkaw Falls, Canada’s second largest waterfall, falls to the valley bottom and into the Yoho River. (Matthew Timmins)

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